Mitsuhiro Kato

Professor of Physics
office: 16-322A
phone: 03-5454-6527
fax: 03-5454-6890
PGP key:

Research interests:

String theory, conformal field theory, lattice supersymmetry and various non-perturbative aspects in quantum field theory.

Recent papers (after 1994):

Hybrid Monte Carlo on Lefschetz Thimbles -- A study of the residual sign problem. (with H. Fujii, D. Honda, Y. Kikukawa, S. Komatsu, T. Sano)
JHEP 1310 (2013) 147.
arXiv:1309.4371 [hep-lat]
Extended string field theory for massless higher-spin fields. (with M. Asano)
Nucl. Phys. B877 (2013) 1107-1128.
arXiv:1309.3850 [hep-th]
A criterion for lattice supersymmetry: cyclic Leibniz rule. (with M. Sakamoto and H. So)
JHEP 1305 (2013) 089.
arXiv:1303.4472 [hep-lat]
Leibniz rule, locality and supersymmetry on lattice. (with M. Sakamoto and H. So)
PoS LATTICE2012 (2012) 231
arXiv:1212.1533 [hep-lat]
Closed string field theory in a-gauge. (with M. Asano)
JHEP 1209 (2012) 121.
arXiv:1206.3901 [hep-th]
General Linear Gauges and Amplitudes in Open String Field Theory. (with M. Asano)
Nucl. Phys. B807 (2009) 348-372.
arXiv:0807.5010 [hep-th]
No-Go Theorem of Leibniz Rule and Supersymmetry on the Lattice. (with M. Sakamoto and H. So)
PoS LATTICE2008 (2008) 233
arXiv:0810.2360 [hep-lat]
Taming the Leibniz Rule on the Lattice. (with M. Sakamoto and H. So)
JHEP 0805 (2008) 057
arXiv:0803.3121 [hep-lat]
Level Truncated Tachyon Potential in Various Gauges. (with M. Asano)
JHEP 01 (2007) 028
New Covariant Gauges in String Field Theory. (with M. Asano)
Prog. Theor. Phys. 117 (2007) 569-587.
Physical state representations and gauge fixing in string theory. (with M. Asano, M. Natsuume)
JHEP 0511 (2005) 033.
Leibniz rule and exact supersymmetry on lattice: a case of supersymmetrical quantum mechanics. (with M. Sakamoto, H. So)
PoS LAT2005 (2005) 274.
Genuine Symmetry of Staggered Fermion. (with K. Itoh, M. Murata, H. Sawanaka, H. So)
Prog. Theor. Phys. 114 (2005) 631-641.
Novel Approach to Super Yang-Mills Theory on Lattice -Exact fermionic symmetry and "Ichimatsu" pattern-. (with K. Itoh, H. Sawanaka, H. So, N. Ukita)
JHEP 0302 (2003) 033.
Towards the SuperYang-Mills Theory on the Lattice. (with K. Itoh, H. Sawanaka, H. So, N. Ukita)
Progress of Theoretical Physics 108 (2002) 363 - 374.
SuperYang-Mills Theory on Lattice and the Transformation. (with K. Itoh, H. Sawanaka, H. So, N. Ukita)
Nuclear Physics Proceeding Supplement 106-107 (2002) 947 - 949.
World Volume Noncommutativity versus Target Space Noncommutativity. (with T. Kuroki)
JHEP 03 (1999) 012
Topological Matrix Model. (with S. Hirano)
Progress of Theoretical Physics 98 (1997) 1371 - 1384.
D-Branes on Group Manifolds. (with T. Okada)
Nuclear Physics B499 (1997) 583 - 595.
Physical Spectra in String Theories --- BRST Operators and Similarity Transformations.
UT-Komaba/95-12, Invited Talk given at the "International Symposium on BRS Symmetry" (Sep. 18--22, 1995, RIMS Kyoto), BRS Symmetry (eds. Abe, Nakanishi and Ojima, Universal Academy Press, 1996).
Domain structures and Convexity of the Effective Potential. (with H. Mukaida and Y. Shimada)
Note on N=0 String as N=1 String. (with H. Ishikawa)
Modern Physics Letters, A9 (1994) 725 - 728.
c=1 String as a Topological Model. (with H. Ishikawa)
International Journal of Modern Physics, A9 (1994) 5769 - 5789.
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